The CommVault Solution

CommVault Systems offers the only fully integrated suite of network-aware products that seamlessly insure reliable, rapid backup, restore, and recovery of your vital corporate data assets. No prepackaged, standard solution can match the number of clients, databases, and applications supported by CommVault. By combining up front technical analysis by our seasoned networking and database professionals with our proprietary software and "best of breed" hardware lets CommVault bring tailored solutions to its customers. From the earliest planning stage right through implementation and data life-cycle support, CommVault's expertise helps you to maximize the return on any storage management investment.

A True Open Systems Enterprisewide Solution

Demand within your organization is geometrically growing for fast access to data stored on thousands of servers handling hundreds of thousands of clients. How do prudent IT professionals make sure that business-critical information is always accessible? They look for a true enterprise solution: one that can backup, restore and recover across the leading computing environments.

In addition to the most popular variants of UNIX, CommVault Systems offers industry-leading solutions for Windows NT, Banyan, Lotus Notes, Novell, IBM OS/2, and DEC OpenVMS. Through the use of proprietary algorithms on both the backup and restore sides, CommVault's products reduce network bandwidth demand, shorten recovery time and optimize the investment in backup media. And CommVault is the only solution that allows for rapid restores of individual files.

Fast Backups, Faster Restores for Your Databases

Productivity and reliability are the benchmarks IT professionals use when evaluating competing solutions. Because the CommVault Solution is independent of database architecture, it is capable of hot or cold backups of all three leading databases: Oracle, Informix and Sybase. Automated or manually initiated, CommVault's solution can spread computing time for a full backup over a user-defined cycle. And CommVault's patented signature-generating techniques ensure faster restores. That means DBAs can be confident they will get the productivity and speed required to meet their backup window.

Integrated Suite Adds Functionality

CommVault's portfolio of solutions extends to Hierarchical Storage Management, data archiving, data migration between backup media, as well as disaster recovery for UNIX file systems. When the price/performance relationship favors faster access to business critical information, then CommVault recommends random access capabilities and storage density of optical media to deliver it. Where the benefits are appropriate, a DLT tape solution is also available. As a result of the tight integration, CommVault's Solution has the interoperability needed in today's open computing environment.


  • True networked open enterprise solution
  • Industry-leading backup and restore solution
  • Exclusive document/file level only restores
  • Saves time and intervention
  • Optimizes storage media utilization
  • Maximizes network transfer rates

For more information on this, or any other CommVault product or service, visit us on our website at:, or call us at 908-935-8000